
New Era Unification Song Campaign. With an Aspiration for Unification

관리자 | 2015.08.21 13:36 | 조회 1546
Global Chorus in 10 major cities in Korea and Washington, Tokyo and Harbin. 

▲ The choir of the Action for Korea Unified and the Headquarters of National Unification Movement of Young Korean Academy chorused “ONE Dream ONE Korea’, the New Era Unification Song, at the Paris Park, Mok-dong, Seoul. 

 For the first time since the national division, both liberal and conservative civic groups united to conduct the unification movement. On the occasion of the National Liberation Day on August 15, the New Era Unification Song Campaign, led by the organizing committee of the New Era Unification Song Campaign based on the civil society and sponsored by the Ministry of Unification, Committee for Unification Preparation and Committee for the 70th Anniversary of Korean Liberation, began successfully in the major cities of Korea, the US, Japan and China. 

Organized by the Action for Korea Unified and Headquarters of National Unification Movement of Young Korean Academy, ‘One Dream One Korea’ was chorused with the aspiration for unification at 10 places with regional characteristics such as the Paris Park in Mok-dong, Seoul, Women’s Center in Uiwang-si, Malipo Beach, Jeonju Hanok Village, Onyangoncheon Station, Masan Station, MunGyeong City Hall Outdoor Theater, Jaseongdae Park in Busan, Kyungpook National University in Daegu, Dongmyeong Church in Gwangju.  

In Washington, the US, the event was held in the Cannon House Office Building and Lincoln Square for two days. Local leaders supporting unification on the Korean Peninsula, including about 200 leaders from the Korean communities around the US and Michael Honda, a pro-Korean congressman, were participating. Especially, the composer Kim Hyung-suk, Yangpa and Na Yoon Kwon also joined to sing ‘One Dream One Korea’ together with the Washington Women’s choir at the event.   

During the Ceremony of the 90th Anniversary of the Liberation Day held by the Federation of Korean Associations in Japan at Hibiya Park, Japan, the choir consisting of Tokyo Korean School students passionately sang ‘One Dream One Korea’. 

The New Era Unification Song Campaign considers that the vision of the unified nation is required for the unification of the Korean Peninsula, and aims to solve conflicts between the liberal and the conservative and among religious sects common in the South Korean society after the national division, under the banner of ‘One Dream Make One Korea.” In this regard, for the realization of the unified nation, it aims to remove South-South conflicts such as between the liberals and the conservatives, the ruling party and the opposition party, among religions and regionalism. 
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